Victory Minerals Rehabilitation plan
In 2020 the Victorian Government made amendments to the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990, introducing new requirements on rehabilitation, new ‘post closure’ arrangements, and new regulations for the minerals exploration and mining sector. The objective of these changes is to improve rehabilitation at all mines and quarries across Victoria that provide the minerals, sand, stone, and other earth resources, which are essential to meet the State’s construction, infrastructure, energy, technology, business, and household needs. The regulator, Earth Resources Regulator (ERR) requires that site rehabilitation is considered at all stages of the resource life cycle and that the highest rehabilitation risks are managed effectively. The Rehabilitation Plans become ‘living’ documents that are updated regularly to reflect changing knowledge and conditions.
In response to the new requirements, Victory Minerals is updating of the Rehabilitation Plan for the main mine site at Woolshed Gully and the satellite sites of Llanberris, Otway Street, Golden Point, Elsworth South and North Woah Hawp. The focus of the updated plan is the main minesite and key infrastructure that supports the ongoing mining operations such as the underground mining, processing plant, water treatment, tailings, and waste rock piles. There are also two smaller sites (Lllanberris and Otway Street) that are not likely to be needed to support the active mining operations and Victory Minerals is looking at how to best close these sites and return them to the land owner as both are leased Crown Land.
The plans address the history of the site, the current environmental state, risks to people and the wider environment, and what investigations are underway to ensure the site is rehabilitated to a standard that meets the landowner’s and regulators’ requirements and current Ballarat City Council zoning. The plans do not consider what the landowner may wish to do with the site once they resume management of the sites.
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