Ballarat Gold Mine is committed to supporting the Ballarat Community beyond employment and the standard economic return that accompanies any viable business.
We acknowledge and appreciate the ‘social licence to operate’ that the people of Ballarat afford our business and recognise the organisation’s philanthropic strategy is linked to this high level of support.

Key areas of community support
Ballarat Gold Mine are currently undergoing a review and a possible change in the process to how we may make financial and/or other forms of support to the community in the future. We will update the website when the direction we wish to pursue has been decided upon.
What we can tell you is that moving forward it is probable that GPG will utilise the services of well-known charitable organisation in Ballarat that will determine where allocation of funds and support in general might be best utilised.
Ballarat Gold Mine will generally not support
- Individuals, private companies and commercial entities
- Activities which are usually exclusively funded by government
- Political campaigns or religious organisations for religious activities
- One-off donations to the same organisation more than once per year
- Activities which provide a direct financial benefit to Ballarat Gold Mine employees or contractors
Round 1 is now CLOSED