Fitness for work
Employees, contractors and visitors must comply with SAF-SWP-007 Fitness for Work – Drugs & Alcohol · Complete this form if taking prescribed or non-prescribed medication that may affect your safety & performance at work. · Complete this form if you have a condition which may put yourself or others at risk. · Complete this form if you have a condition which may require immediate access to medication. · Persons using prescribed or non-prescribed medication have the following responsibilities: · Notify the medical practitioner or pharmacist of the nature of their duties to ascertain if the side effects of a prescribed medication may impact on their safety & performance at work. · Take any medication strictly in accordance with the medical practitioner’s or manufacturer’s recommendations. · Notify their Supervisor of any medication they are taking that may impact on their safety & performance at work. · Immediately report any side effects to their Supervisor. · A new form must be completed if new medication is prescribed or previously declared medication is changed or a relevant condition becomes known. |